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Anabolic Steroids

Lean Out with Anabolic Steroids

When it comes to bodybuilding, there are many different techniques that people use in order to achieve the desired physique. Some people practice a calorie-restricted diet, while others incorporate cardio exercises into their routine. However, one of the most popular methods for leaning out with bodybuilding is using steroids. In this blog post, we will […]

Oral Steroids

The Best Oral Steroids for Muscle Growth

Oral steroids are one of the most popular methods for bulking up, but which one is best? The answer to that question is not as straightforward as you might think. Different oral steroids have different effects on the body, so it’s important to understand what each one does before you make a decision. In this […]

How To Use Letrozole

Letrozole (Femara): How to Use Letrozole for Fertility, its Side Effects, and more

Letrozole is known for its effects in fertility. This drug has been used for this purpose for decades and is still one of the few drugs that provide guaranteed results. The Letrozole fertility results are great. From increased chances of conceiving to a reduction in the side effects of other fertility medications, Letrozole is always […]

Ways of Sleeping while on Steroids

Bodybuilding Self-Care: Steroids and Sleep

Do you have difficulties sleeping while using steroids? Do you wake up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep? If this is the case, you are not alone. Many people have trouble sleeping when they use steroids. In this article, we’ll go over various strategies for getting enough sleep. We’ll […]

Visiting the gym for the first time

Any person who comes to the gym for the first time has a lot of questions about how to work out in the gym, how to start, how to draw up a training program correctly, what exercises to do, whether to warm up or not and where to start training in the gym, etc. A […]

Variations of the French press: Building the triceps

The best exercise for developing the triceps, is the French seated press. It removes flabbiness of the arms, improves their flexibility and reduces the amount of fat. Muscle condition is stabilized by flexion and extension in the elbow joint. In addition, the joints, shoulder muscles and girdle are strengthened. Seated press types Exercises to strengthen […]

Variations of the bent over row back exercise

The bent over row is a basic back exercise for the development of muscle strength, which is suitable even for beginners. It improves posture and develops the muscles of the back and shoulders. There are several variants of this exercise with a barbell, dumbbells, harnesses and or using simulators. The working muscles Pulling a barbell […]

How to remove the belly?

The question of what exercises should be done to remove the belly is asked by many women and men. However, training alone may not be enough. The problem of a flat abdomen must be approached in a comprehensive manner, having found out in advance why fat is deposited in the waist area in the first […]

How to build the traps: Exercises for the trapezius muscles

The trapezius is one of the largest muscles. It bears the main load during weight-lifting. The trapezius is located in the upper back covering the back neck part. Its volume demonstrates the intensity of weightlifting exercises. Efficient building of the trapezius muscles allows enlarging the neck significantly. If you don’t build the pectoral girdle muscles, […]

Developing the forearms

Developed forearms are the key to a strong, masculine grip, as well as a good and aesthetically attractive appearance of the hands. Working with heavy weights in various exercises will also be much easier if you have a strong grip. Probably, it is not necessary to say that the greatest result in training can be […]


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