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clenbuterol weight loss

How Effective Is Clenbuterol For Weight Loss?

Clenbuterol is noted to increase muscle mass and reduce bodyfat.  In addition, it actually remains in the body with an active effect for up to about six days after consumption.  Because of these properties, it is often used as a weight loss supplement OR to enhance athletic performance.  Clen is interesting in the way that […]

clenbuterol cycle

How To Cycle Clenbuterol?

We suggest that before you even consider using Clenbuterol, your bodyfat is at least 15% or lower.  For a Clenbuterol cycle the options will generally be, 2 days on/2 days off, 2 weeks on/2 weeks off and continuous use with incrementing dosing throughout.  Below we will breakdown the types of cycles for Clenbuterol: Bursting Clenbuterol […]

testosterone enanthate bodybuilding

For That Like Testosterone Enanthate In Bodybuilding?

Testosterone Enanthate is a powerful steroid with high androgenic activity and duration of action. The use of this drug enriches the athlete useful properties of endogenous testosterone, normalizes the balance of nitrogen, increases appetite, develops primary sexual characteristics, actively stimulates libido, sexual activity, etc. Enanthate is the most popular form of testosterone in the world […]

boldenone for sale

Boldenone For Sale – Five Important Things You Have to Know About It

Boldenone (a medical definition for Equipoise or Boldenone undecylenate in medical wiki) was to be a form of actually a long-acting injectable Dianabol (Metandienone or Methandrostenolone). This article will share a light on some side effects of medical Boldenone and how industry of sale of Boldenone actually works. Boldenone is basically the same hormone as […]

Tips on Your Nutrition and Rest When Cycling

Tips on Your Nutrition and Rest When Cycling

This is a good article for my girl to write. She is my nutritionist and knows much more than I do about this subject and even has better discipline when it come to, hell, just about everything. So, without a do, here she is: A little bit about myself: I am 41 years old and […]

Tips on Training When Cycling

Tips on Training When Cycling

In this article I’m going to go over some different training techniques I use depending on what I’m trying to do at that time. I will let you know whether my goal is weight gain, quality muscle gain, cutting or drying out the muscles. To have an open mind on this subject is important. For […]

Steroids from a Woman’s Point of View

Steroids from a Woman’s Point of View

This is another article that I just going to have the wife write. She has much knowledge and experience on the subject. Wouldn’t you girls out there thinking of using steroids rather hear this information come from one of the same sex. Only makes sense, right? To take steroids or not to take steroids? That […]

Tips for First Steroid Cycle and Common Mistakes

First Steroid Cycle: Instruction How to Cycle It

If you’re new to steroids, diving in headfirst can quickly lead to disaster. We’re about to give you all you need to know about safe steroids and get you started on your first steroid cycle in no time. It’s vital to consider the strength of steroids, but like with any steroid (or drug for that […]

Steroids and Your Goals

Steroids and Your Goals

Your goals may not be the same as the next person (male or female), so we are going to go over different individual goals that people have when taking steroids. These goals depend on what the athlete wants at the current point in time and also what body type they like best. Once again, I’m […]

How To Decide If You Should Use Steroids Or Not?

How To Decide If You Should Use Steroids Or Not?

There are a few things to consider before making the choice to use anabolic steroids. First, see if you hit your plateau with the body naturally yet. To do this you need at least a full year working out hard and if you hit that point, only then, you should choose in favor of taking […]


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