Alphabolin (vial)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Package: 10 ml vial at 100 mg/ml
Substance: Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan)
Alphabolin is an anabolic steroid that is effectively used in a cutting cycle. The drug is based on the active substance Methenolone Enanthate, which is the injectable version of the drug Primobolan.
Read about What is Post Cycle Therapy
The main properties
- Efficiency. Primobolan use is considered easy, but this does not mean that it is of little use. It helps to gain a dry mass no worse than testosterone and with a good bonus, fat burning and increased definition.
- Long-lasting effect. Frequent injections are not necessary. It is enough to inject it once a week. Injectable and oral forms have different periods of activity however. If the injection solution is valid for up to two weeks, then the tablets are only a few hours.
- Security. If other AAS are distinguished by huge lists of side effects, then Primobolan has practically none. “Heavy” steroids are aromatized, which leads to serious hormonal disruptions; and also have strong androgenic activity that causes baldness, acne and other side effects. Primobolan is not subject to aromatization and has a low androgenic index.
- No kickbacks. At the end of the intake, all the weight gained will remain with you.
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Effects and results
- Suppression of catabolism;
- A high-quality mass gain;
- Improvement of strength indicators;
- Increase in endurance and agility;
- Reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat.
How to take Primobolan
The weekly dose can range from 400mg to 800mg. It will be enough to perform injections only once a week. The course duration is 6-8 weeks.
Bodybuilders rarely take Primobolan solo. There are many comments about various combinations of Methenolone with other types of doping, mostly positive. It is especially important to do a “combo” if there is a testosterone deficiency on the course. In this case, there is a noticeable decrease in libido. To prevent this, we strongly recommend not only to pass the PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with boosters and supplement HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) on the course.
Adverse reactions
The only side effect of Primobolan is a decrease in the body’s production of testosterone. All other AAS have this property, but to a much greater extent. Some say that the violation is insignificant; others argue that it does not exist at all. Some athletes do without PCT at all, having received normal test results.
What conclusion can be drawn specifically about Primobolan? Thousands of bodybuilders trust the products of Alpha Pharma. Primobolan is no exception. Athletes note its effectiveness and safety; this indicates a high level of reliability of the manufacturer. Knowing that the product will not fail, athletes do not hesitate to buy it.
Sergio Thornton –
I was astonished when I tried the item I ordered. It was far from what I expected! I will be using californiamuscles-net as a forever consumer because of their high-speed delivery as well as top-quality customer support. When my Alphabolin from Alpha Pharma came it looked great, but after 8 weeks of use, it has provided me with better results than expected. This compound is the best!