Tren-Max-1 is a long-acting, injectable anabolic steroid for intensive muscle building. The drug is a fairly rare Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. By the nature of its steroid properties, it is no different from other Trenbolone esters. The athlete can also count on intense muscle growth with up to 20-25 pounds of muscle mass by the end of the cycle.
Key effects and characteristics of Tren-Max-1:
- The standard cycle allows you to get a result in the form of an increase of up to 20 pounds of musculature;
- An impressive anabolic and androgenic index;
- Does not turn into estrogen (does not cause complications of estrogenic nature);
- Significantly increases the appetite and strength indicators of the athlete;
- Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, an increase in libido can be observed;
- Contributes to the loss of body fat;
- Inhibits the activity of catabolic processes and cortisol;
- Activates the secretion of somatotropin and insulin-like growth factor;
- Increases the psychological motivation for training.
Take the best out of Trenbolone Steroid Cycle
Tren-Max-1 is injected into the body. The optimal dosage is 200-300 mg per week. This is considered an effective and safe dosage of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. The duration of use of the drug is 6 weeks.
In general, Tren-Max-1 is well tolerated, and side effects do not manifest themselves if the recommendations are followed. After two weeks from the last injection, Post Cycle Therapy should be started. This will reduce the risk of side effects. Clomid is recommended for this purpose.
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