Eutropin 4IU
Manufacturer: LG Life Science
Package: 1 vial of 4 IU
Substance: Somatropin (Human Growth Hormone)
Eutropin 4IU is a drug manufactured by LG in injectable form. It is a peptide hormone of Somatropin, which is usually called the Human Growth Hormone or HGH, and is used in bodybuilding to build muscle definition.
Effects of HGH
The average content of growth hormone in human blood is 1-5 ng / ml, and by increasing this concentration, there will be many beneficial effects such as:
- Acceleration in the growth of muscles and improvement of physical fitness;
- Prevention of the destruction of existing muscle mass;
- Getting rid of the accumulation of fat cells;
- Improvement in the functioning of the immune system;
- Improvement in overall health;
- Acceleration of recovery processes after intense training.
Athletes who have at least once encountered the products of this manufacturer note the convenient liquid form and its high efficiency. It is mainly used in mass and drying courses.
Administration of the drug
HGH should be taken by injection at 4IU per day. In the absence of side effects, from the second week of use, the dosage of the drug can be doubled (2 shots per day). Optimally, inject the hormone immediately after sleep or after exercise. The cycle duration is from 3 to 6 months.
To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to add Testosterone Enanthate (250-500mg), Boldenone Undecylenate (400mg) or Sustanon (250mg) to a cycle using HGH. Reception duration of this cycle is 8 weeks.
Side effects
Side effects from taking HGH occur in case of exceeding the recommended dosage or cycle time. The main side effects include: numbness and pain in the extremities, increase in blood pressure, fluid retention, cardiac hypertrophy, acromegaly, increase in blood glucose and disruption of the thyroid gland. With proper medication, the occurrence of side effects is minimal.
Many athletes choose HGH by LG because it helps to burn the fat layer, accelerate muscle growth and wound healing. Also, the action of the drug strengthens the bones and promotes their growth, rejuvenates, strengthens the immune system and increases the content of glucose in the blood.
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